Meet The Tiger

Meet the Tiger is a Stony Point community parade, pep rally, and marketplace for all things Stony Point Tigers. Booster clubs have the opportunity to sell items in one area prior to the parade and pep rally. The Parade of Tigers features athletics, clubs, and organizations – a great way to showcase the numerous activities that are available to Stony Point students. The Pep Rally features performances by our Tiger Band, Tiger Dancers, and Cheerleaders. 
This year, we are also excited that Meet the Tigers will feature an introduction of our newest Tigers, the Class of 2022! 


4:30pm Tiger Marketplace opens to the public
5:00pm Students in the parade begin to line up (Fwing & ramp; cafeteria)
5:30pm Parade of Tigers begins followed by Pep Rally (Marketplace Closes)
6:30pm Marketplace reopens following pep rally
7:30pm Marketplace closes – all organizations must be out by 8pm